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Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Earthlings - The Shockcumentary

EARTHLINGS is a feature length documentary about humanity's absolute dependence on animals (for pets, food, clothing, entertainment, and scientific research) but also illustrates our complete disrespect for these so-called "non-human providers." The film is narrated by Academy Award nominee Joaquin Phoenix (GLADIATOR) and features music by the critically acclaimed platinum artist Moby .

You can watch the full movie for free here:

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Inspiration Session - David Carson, graphic designer.

Video clip link ---> David Carson interview on hillmancurtis

Sometimes, as the dawn creeps in on me I end up diving deep into sites I would never collide while I am fully awake. Today is one of those days, I love it when I suddenly click click on a site site and before I know it I am flushed with info and images that simply sparks my mind and heart and make me want to create and express myself and specially share with others what I just found. So, what do we have here today? Good bloody question, I found a great little video clip about David Carson, one of the pioneer's of today's graphic design movement. Truly inspiring... check it out!

Here is a little info about the master himself.

David Carson is an American graphic designer. He is best known for his innovative magazine design, and use of experimental typography. He was the art director for the magazine Ray Gun. Carson was perhaps the most influential graphic designer of the nineties. In particular, his widely-imitated aesthetic defined the so-called "grunge" era.

David carson


Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Zeitgeist, The Movie - A documentary into truth.

“When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace” - Sir Chimhoy Ghose.

Every now and then a friend of mine from the other side of the world sends me a link of an item that moved him or her, that link sparked something with in them and they choose to take the time and spread their thought and emotions regarding that event. I decide to take my precious time and embark on an adventure which will connect us to a higher meaning of relationships. This bonds us and make us wonder about how souls connect and interact.

Today a dear friend took the time to send me a link to an on-line powerful documentary about the interlinks between Christianity, 911, education, media, The Federal Reserve and much much more. the movie titled ’Zeitgeist - the spirit of time’ and it’s a document which was first aired on Google video on December 2007 and already won The best documentary award in the Artivist film festival in Hollywood 2007.

Zeitgeist, produced by Peter Joseph, was created as a nonprofit expression toinspire people to start looking at the world from a more critical perspective and to understand that very often things are not what the population at large think they are.

I watched the movie and was deeply inspired to think about many issues going on in my head, I do not take sides I only represent myself in this meter and I do think we have much to learn about the world we live in and the way we do (so called) ‘business’. The movie has been remastered and is fully on-line thanks to our dear friends at Google Video. So, take some time off your busy life and sit down with a proper cup of tea and watch the movie for I assure you, it will give you something to ponder off…

Here is the link to the full movie —> CLICK HERE TO WATCH <—- Here is the link to the movie site, it has further information for you to drive on. —–> CLICK HERE FOR SITE <—– Enjoy and think for yourself.

Enjoy and think for yourself.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


You know the feeling when you start talking to someone and there is this buzz of good vibrations around? Like an instant click? well, I got that with the SMASH13 skate crew.
They simply rock! They even dig the spoonliquor sounds, how cool is that?
Anywho, SMASH13 is a sweet skate crew from Texas, good people, great skaters! Check them out here and let then know you care:
Flickr: (GREAT PHOTOS!!!)
Myspace: (Bang your head to this!!!)
Site: (The people, the spirit!!!)
Blooger: (The inside view of things)

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Knee deep in snow and sun. SpoonLiquor Canadian experience...


I have been wanting to write about our experience of the Canadian vibration since the first day we landed in Montreal but, I have been so drifted away from the computer that it actually felt hard to sit down and turn it on...Funny that back in Rotterdam I have no problem sitting day and night writing and designing my styles, here, I find the silence and peacefulness so powerful, I simply can't find the time to express myself on-line...quite an impressive experience I must say...

Anywho...we have been here for almost 3 weeks now, it's one of the most powerful rides into sounds and vision I ever been in. Chilling in a wicked beautiful house in St. Colomban (which is about one hour drive north from Montreal city, somewhere in the Quebec region), Knee deep in country side, snow all around us, trees everywhere and sweet beautiful stillness..I love it.We felt at home on the first day, the vibe here is unique and delightful, It's been a long time since I've been so relaxed and refreshed... When I walk to my place of sleep after a long hard day of musicial explosions I stop sometimes in the middle of nowhere just to listen to the pure silence that surrounds's deafening, the total atmosphere of nothingness clears my mind and heart and I can really feel the movement of time as everything become still...

Our day is pretty simple, we wake up early, have some tea and bagels and go straight to the studio to make music, from sun rise till stars sets. Our first week here was more of 'getting the feeling of what's up!' we took road trips, got to know the family and friends and look around with amazement of how people and society exists in a place we haven't been before... the souls here are magical, the Canadian vibe is welcoming and intellectually entertaining, it's true about people not locking their doors here, people simple live here with passion of creation and not in fear or the unknown... it's super cold but the sun shines almost everyday and the beauty of it all just makes you want to hug something or someone and make the best of it. I believe we couldn't have gotten a better deal, we have the studio for ourselves which gives us full control over the creation department, it's refreshing to have such power, we are truly blessed. feels like divine intervention, as if all roads lead to making this adventure as powerful and explosive as possible, music wise and personal vibes.

Don't get me wrong that everything is cream cheese, bagels and hockey. we have hard days too, we are all financially broke and time is running out on us and we would really REALLY want to make this the best album ever. somedays we try new things and they crash like zeppelins and somedays we come up with unreal new sounds that would make you flip your lid. We never been so close to each other since the band started many years ago, actually only now I am starting to get to know my band members, the ability to make music everyday is one of the best feeling I ever had in my life, it's also sometimes pretty hard on the mind too, constant attention to details and the drive for perfection sometimes gets you off track and makes you forget the big picture. still, me are truly making magic here and capturing it on tape. it's beyond words... beyond I tell'yha!

so, we got about 10 more days here, and we shifting gears into a higher groove. personally, I never sang better and we are all making totally improvement of every note we ever invented, copied or pasted. We push each other to the maximum capacity of our own abilities.This album will rock your boat and will make you shade a tear of joy and sadness of beauty and life changing vibrations, or, it will simply suck globule ass! anyway you look at it, it makes us stronger and that means that it's good!!! and good it what we are all about.....more news coming soon...
Spoonliquor snow cones massive...
For more delicious tastes just go here:

Saturday, January 5, 2008

2008, here we go!!!

one more time brothers and sisters, confession session for the new year, here is my resolution!!
Have a great year, make this one count.

2008, Here we go.

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