Can't sleep, again.
Started the day at 7:00AM with HOT COCO! Finally, it's funny that I want to have hot coco every morning but I never wake up in the morning and I never have milk. It's even more funny that I have a shop right around the corner but god knows I will never leave the house to go and get some. The even more more funny funny thing is that when I finally do take the time and courage to go and get milk, it sits in my fridge for exactly the right time for it to go bad! And it will be the same moment when I actually decide to make me a cup of hot coco!!!
Anywho, I think I have a tumor. The pain in my head is growing and some days it's hard to get to sleep or even thing straight, it's like there is a screwdriver stuck in my eye, and it's rusty and it's spinning. I don't know if it's my contact lens gone bad or my glasses not being updated for at least 3 years or the fact that there is no air in the house since everything is wide shot because it's freaky cold outside or because I wear a hoddy on my head all the time or because I don't eat at all or because I'm looking at 2 or 3 screens simultaneously for days on days or maybe it's because I started to smoke cigarettes without filters, straight up cancer! I think it's all of the above, all in one and one for all!
This has to stop...i wand to get a proper sleep, a proper cup of coco, no headaches, new glasses, some breakfast, air and a healthy strong spirit ! I know I can do this, I've done it before, all I need to do is to make the decision final, then I'll be moving forward and not backwards like I think I am, then I will be able to get my wings back, god knows I want them so bad...
...I think I'll open my porch door and let some fresh freezing air in, deiced about how I'm going to fix my life and fix me a cup of hot coco!
Adida The Fallen Angle
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