"The Kikar Hall Of Names” The original heroes.
The first generation: Ron Erez,Arad the "B"(street), Arik Mon & Ori the Macabim crew, Adi Kabus(kavhous) Ido Bar-lev, Ilan goldberg,Uri Richter,Ami livne, Guy Niels, Yaron- Veinberg, Zohar Niv, Ori Segal,Gil Shayer the father of extreme BMXing in israel, Asi Lubin, Israel Yehuda, Rafi Mizrahi,Eitan Hacker,Moti Fux,Ruby Abudi, Guy Useless and of course Useless ID as an entity. Second Generation: Lalo, JAriv,Gili Erez,Dvir, Amit, Nadav Bachar,Nami Zucker,Eitan Zmir,Ido Niv, Eli Elhayani,Yaniv Segal, Nuni yes Nuni the wonder kid!. Third generation:Nuni still there, Aquino,Asafwilly,The local bikers: Amir "brooklyn" & Tal "Willymaster". THE SURFERS GANG: Gilad jin-g(labs), Asaf Shalem, Barak Yakter, Alon Dassa, Ofir ,Yaair Jungo, Yaniv Dar, Amir Alalof, OUR three precious friends that are no longer with us: Shai Malca a great skateboard talent , Ido Zinger one of the wisest most charming souls I have ever met & Ofer Tamir a real mens man. may their souls R.I.P and we will miss them forever. SOME faces that still appear and some that went away and they all seem to have one thing in common: Ralph from Haifa, Menny impossible, Itamar Raanana & Itamar Kfar Saba, Homero,Itay Appel, Yony Etinger,Kashi, Amos shane, Arthur Rashkoven,Grurik, Avi Luzia, Joni (Yoni Kedem),Tomer cohen, Rotem,Hasa, Ido Madaness ido from Rehovot,Yoni light-wave,Yoni From kibutz Gezer, Shai Gitterman,Amit the turtle, Josh Fux, Elhanan, Ran Shani,Aviv Ratzin,Guy Peachon & his friend "asaf Open eye brow" THE energizer bunny kids that still go on and never quit-The fourth generation: Aziz, Michael Levy, Omer Bary, Guy Guerevich, Bonder,Addam, Asaf Ambar, Yoav Nagler,Roy Levin ,Andre, Dani no comply,The first generation golda kids: daniel the DJ Meitar and some forgotten names. Kikar honorary Special thanks to the current generation kids fifth generation by AsafKlafs count: Tal Niv, Dan, Omer,Daniel, Guy, Carmel, Ben and all their friends that I don’t remember their names but they know who they are R.E.S.P.E.C.T 4 evrything they are doing U KEEP OUR LEGACY ALIVE. and of course Alon Ashkenazi although not a skateboarder himself but the coolest skateboarding fan that ever existed in israel who brought the mythologic SC to the sunny afternoon sessions of 1997-1998. lost brothers if you dont see your name here that means we are still looking for you!!! from: "Just another Kikar History Professor".
"The Official Kikar Dictionary"
here are some catch phrases from the past present and future some slang that infiltrated the scene and some that didnt: "Aussie" - 360 flip by Ido Bar-lev!! did u know that?...That is according to "Arik MON". "The Thrasher" - the wallride next to the stairs was named after a graffiti. the original graffiti done by.... .... & .... ...... in 1987(the information stays with the system for legal reasons. dots represent real names see if u can guess) and was later remade by .... & ......in 1996 "The Anti Ars Association" or the: AAA - formed by first generation Kikar kids against the "?????? ????" that used to live in the Kikar for some time in the late 80's "The old lady" - damn no words required here for explaining!!! "Mishter Evil" ????-??" - "Mr Evil" 5-0,Pigs "Stole session" - just stalling on the kerb and everyone gets to show off. "The sleeve ??????" - this is a rather new phrase by the new generation for the manual pad that is on the top of the stage. damn that is a decieving little monster!!."Old school session" - when a lot of oldskoolers showed up together by surprise for a session in the mid 90's."Skate Catch ????? ?????" - Just fun stuff that kids do."The gap" - well over the grass ??????? from the high stage. "Low crue" - Nuni & Aquino 1996 "The wonder years" - A sacred historical film from late 80's begining 90's that is for now lost. it was played endlessly in Street cult. featured: Ido Bar-lev, Ron Erez,Arad Bert,Ilan goldberg, Uri richter,Jariv, Lallo, Gili Erez, Nuni (yes NUNI! "the wonder kid" with his 360 shoulder rotations from behind the back)Eitan Zmir edited it. "Yeha" - "Yeha" "No skating after 11" - Yeah right!! "Ahamed mission ????? ????" - to clean the kikar with a broom "Team Ahamed shoes ????? ??? ????" - in the days that Ron Erez used to buy his shoes in "Shook Hacarmel". his shoes looked like crap!. they got torn within a session so he would glue them put masking tape around and use metal wire instead of shoelaces so this is how we named them. "I think i broke my arm" - and he did!! (Kabus)"look at me!!! is there something wrong with me??????"- Nuni When he broke his nose, after he & Yaair Jungo molded into each other for a moment. "Do you have wax?" - well the Kikar is "Hardcore"!. "Commit suicide ??????" - usually involved "Thrasher" + grind/ or slide or just a crazy trick over something that involved dying. "Bullshit Skating" - just going nuts with the imagination and inventing crazy shit that u probably will never land."i was a champ ????? ????" - What The Ars that comes out of nowhere would say and then ask you if he could have your board for a minute."Surf'S Up ?? ????" - as strange as it sounds back in 95-97 most of the Kikar's population was mainly the "surfers gang". So if you came there during this period and you found yourself skating alone you knew that surf was up and that u r a sk8er."Plant "?????" - that is of course when you crash so hard into the floor that you actually make a hole in the ground get planted in it and grow roots like a plant."Gulgulim" ????????" - or in other words "tree crap" the fig trees in the kikar are favourite for bats and they have those fruits that turn hard a black and then they fall on the floor and are nasty to bump into with a skateboard."ShaSha" ????" - getting your shoes to the electrical cables "High voltage ShaSha" - aiming to the high voltage... not many people succeded. but when someone did succed.. no one in Ramat-Hasharon was kept in the dark from their success (or did they?) "Stop!!! black widow!!" - Ori Segal saved kabuses ass in Street cult when he almost wore a pair of pants with a black widow in them (oouch!!) "Melet" ???" - the one thing the people that built the kikar forgot to put in so many important places(by kabus)."Retired "???" - That is when you came the Kikar to skate and someone was never there again. "look at me im a CAT im a SNAKE ksss" ???? ????!! ??? ???? ??? ??? ??????? .....Torette syndrome kid. Well this was just this kid that was way out there. i dont remember your name but dude if u read this i hope that you are sane today and not wearing a stray jacket.Here is some more from him: "Oh oh Zubi Zubi oh oh" "?? ?? ???? ???? ?? ??"
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